A woman swearing her daughter will not teach girls in the house and the girls coming anyway


Q: I am a widow with four young children. I do my best to learn about Islam. Three girls, who are in the secondary school, come to me to teach them about Islam. As my mother thinks that their coming to my house may pose a threat to me, she has sworn that she would not allow me to set foot in her house if they ever happen to visit me again. I am in the habit of visiting her daily as she is now fifty-seven years old. It was Allah's Will that these girls stopped visiting me for more than two months. One day I was amazed to hear them knocking at the door. One of my young children let them in. I could not tell them to leave my house. (Part No. 23; Page No. 111) I gave them some hints that I wanted to meet them in another place, but they kept coming to me as they were starting to be practicing Muslims. They could not understand my hints. Even though they still come to me, nothing wrong has happened to me.What is the ruling on the oath sworn by my mother? Which of us has to offer Kaffarah (expiation) if there is any? Unfortunately, should my mother know that I still host them at my house, she will sever relations with me. What should I do? May Allah bless you! I suffer a lot because of this problem. What will I say to Allah (Exalted be He) when I am held accountable before Him? Please save me from this plight. May Allah bless you, set aright your affairs, and admit you into the highest rank in Jannah (Paradise). Amen.

A: You have to keep good relations with your mother, show kindness to her, and obey her in doing good acts. As for the oath she has sworn, she is required to offer Kaffarah because it has not been fulfilled. The Kaffarah involves feeding ten Miskins (needy persons), or providing them with clothing, or emancipating a believing slave. If she cannot afford any of these, she must observe Sawm (Fast) for three days.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
