Being delayed from rising from the first Sujud until the Imam performs the second Sujud


Q: One day we were in the Masjid (mosque) offering the ‘Asr (Afternoon) Prayer in congregation. We performed the first Sujud (prostration) of the third Rak‘ah (unit of Prayer), and when we raised our heads from the Sujud, one of the men was still prostrating. When he rose up, the Imam (the one who leads congregational Prayer) said the Takbir ("Allahu Akbar [Allah is the Greatest]") for the second Sujud. The man then prostrated for the second time. What is the ruling on this? It is worth mentioning that the Imam was offering Salah (Prayer) quickly. A: If this man sat between the two Sujud and then followed the Imam, he did nothing wrong. If he did not sit between the two Sujud, he should offer another Rak‘ah after the Imam says the Taslim (salutation of peace ending the Prayer) in place of the Rak‘ah in which he did not sit between the two Sujud, as this Rak‘ah is thus rendered Batil (null and void) and the Rak‘ah following it will replace it. (Part No. 6; Page No. 46

A: If this man sat between the two Sujud and then followed the Imam, he did nothing wrong. If he did not sit between the two Sujud, he should offer another Rak‘ah after the Imam says the Taslim (salutation of peace ending the Prayer) in place of the Rak‘ah in which he did not sit between the two Sujud, as this Rak‘ah is thus rendered Batil (null and void) and the Rak‘ah following it will replace it. (Part No. 6; Page No. 46) This is because sitting between the two Sujud is a Rukn (integral/Pillar) of the Salah that cannot be omitted, whether unintentionally or intentionally. If he did not make up for the Rak‘ah after the Imam said the Taslim, and there was a long gap between both actions, he should repeat the whole Salah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
