Cardiopulmonary resuscitation


Fatwa no. 12086 All praise be to Allah, Alone, and peace and blessings be upon the Last of the Prophets.The Permanent Committee for Scholarly Research and Ifta’ has reviewed (Part No. 25; Page No. 79) the Fatwa request that was submitted to His Eminence the General Chairman by the Director of Religious Affairs of the north western region through the Director of the Religious Affairs Department of the Armed Forces and was referred to the Committee from the Department of Scholarly Research and Ifta’ under no. 1508 dated 28/3/1409 A.H. The following is the text of the question:The Officer of Islamic Awareness of the Armed Forces Hospital in the north western region sent us this explanation, dated 13/3/1409 A.H., based on a letter of the Medical Vice-President of the Armed Forces Hospital in the north western region, dated 12/3/1409 A.H. He requests a Fatwa on not applying resuscitation to patients under the conditions and circumstances specified in the enclosed manual of work policies and procedures. We hope that Your Eminence will issue a Fatwa regarding the permissibility or impermissibility of not using resuscitation techniques under the following circumstances, so in the light of the given ruling we can act accordingly in the Armed Forces Hospital of the north western region. May Allah protect you and may Allah's Peace and Blessings be upon you.The conditions listed in the policies and procedures manual are as follows:First: If the patient is dead on arrival.Second: If the patient's medical file is stamped "Do not resuscitate" based on the refusal of the patient or their Wakil (legally accountable person who acts on behalf of another for a specific permissible matter), due to the patient's condition being not fit for resuscitation. (Part No. 25; Page No. 80) Third: If three doctors decide that it is not appropriate to resuscitate a patient, when it is evident that they are suffering from an obstinate, incurable illness and that death is inevitable.Fourth: If the patient is physically or mentally incapacitated, or in a state of mental inactivity due to a chronic illness, such as a stroke, that has led to incapacity, an advanced stage of cancer, a severe chronic heart or lung condition, or wasting diseases with a recurrence of heart and lung failure.Fifth: If the patient shows evidence of untreatable brain damage after suffering heart or lung failure for the first time.Sixth: If it would be ineffective or inappropriate to resuscitate the heart and lungs in a specific case according to the judgment of the attending doctor. The patient's view, in such a case, is not significant and doctors are not obliged to resuscitate the heart or lungs. The patient's family does not have the right to request this type of treatment if it would be ineffective.

After considering the Fatwa request, the Committee gave the following answer: First: If the patient is dead on arrival at the hospital, there is no need to use resuscitators. (Part No. 25; Page No. 81)  Second: If the patient's condition is not fit for resuscitation according to the medical report of three trustworthy specialist doctors, there is also no need to use resuscitators. Third: If the patient is suffering from an obstinate illness that is not responding to treatment and their death is certain, according to the testimony of three trustworthy specialist doctors, there is also no need to use resuscitators. Fourth: If the patient is incapacitated or in a state of mental inactivity due to a chronic illness, or suffering from an advanced stage of cancer, a chronic heart or lung illness, or the recurrence of heart and lungs failure, and it is the decision of three trustworthy specialist doctors, there is no need to use resuscitators. Fifth: If the patient shows evidence of untreatable brain damage according to the medical report of three trustworthy specialist doctors, there is no need to use the resuscitator, as it will be of no benefit. Sixth: If resuscitation of the heart and lungs will be ineffective and inappropriate in a specific case, according to the medical opinion of three trustworthy specialist doctors, there is no (Part No. 25; Page No. 82) need to use the resuscitator. No consideration should be given to the opinion of the patient's family as to whether or not resuscitation should be applied, because this is not their area of expertise.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
