Whether it is permissible to make use of the Rukhsahs of traveling when traveling for a picnic


Q 2: I went with my family on a trip 95 km away from our city. When the time of Al-Zuhr (Noon) Prayer became due, I combined both Al-Zuhr and Al-‘Asr (Afternoon) Prayers at the time of Al-Zuhr, and Al-Maghrib (Sunset) and Al-‘Isha’ (Night) Prayers at the time of Al-Maghrib on the basis that the distance necessary for shortening Salah (Prayer) is 85 km. My father and brother disagreed with me regarding combining prayers claiming that our journey was for mere entertainment, so we are not regarded as travelers.In light of this, what is the ruling on what I did concerning combining prayers? Am I right?

A: If a person travels to a place 80 km or more away from their home, (Part No. 6; Page No. 417) it is recommended for them to shorten the four-Rak‘ah Salahs (Prayer consisting of four units) to two Rak‘ahs. They are also permitted to combine the Salahs, if there is a need for this, such as when in a hurry on a journey. However, if they reside, they should offer every Salah in its due time, shortening the four-Rak‘ah Salah (Prayer consisting of four units) without combining prayers, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) did in Makkah and Mina during the Farwell Hajj. But, if the traveler intends to stay more than four days, they should offer complete Salah.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
