Illnesses that allow breaking the Sawm


Q: My wife was suffering from an abdominal illness, so I took her to Al-Huda Specialist Hospital in Al-Ta'if. She observed Sawm (Fast) for ten days last Ramadan, but she could not complete the rest of the month. The specialist said to us that she had to eat six meals a day due to her weakness. Now Ramadan is near again and I remembered that she has not been able to make up for the days that she missed last Ramadan. I, therefore, ask of Allah, and then of you, to guide me to the correct Fatwa. Can paying a Fidyah (ransom) compensate for the days of Sawm she missed, because the doctor said that she must eat six meals daily over the course of the day? Please advise us. May Allah reward you with the best.

A: If the case is as you mentioned, she is excused for not fasting during Ramadan. She has to make up for the days she did not fast, if Allah cures her and she becomes able enough to fast. (Part No. 10; Page No. 192) Likewise, if she is unable to fast during the coming month of Ramadan or part of it, she can abstain from Sawm and make up for the missed days, if Allah cures her.May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
